We’ve collected a whole range of top organisation tips for when you’re preparing for revision sessions to make life that little bit less stressful.

Exam time is stressful for both students and teachers, with either multiple exams on the horizon to prepare for or hundreds of scripts to be marked and second marked. In this post, we've collected a whole range of top organisation tips for when you're preparing for revision sessions to make life that little bit less stressful.
1. Create prioritised lists
Whether written down in a list or organised in your own mind, it's important that tasks are tackled in the most efficient and appropriate order. Many people tackle the small jobs first and avoid bigger tasks or start with their favourites. A good way to overcome this is by keeping a notebook at hand, pragmatically scoring tasks, subjects or topics in order or urgency and then tackling them in order of priority.
2. Be a starter-finisher
Although half-finishing multiple tasks at once can work for some people, for the most part it pays to be a starter-finisher. Once you've decided to tackle a topic or exam paper, stick with it until the end. This will also ensure you keep getting little motivational boosts following the completion of each task.
3. A place for everything and everything in its place
Sometimes being organised in mind can be helped by feeling organised in other aspects of life. This includes having a tidy working environment. Of course, there is a balance to be struck here between tidying to procrastinate and tidying to clear your mind.
4. Timetables & Routines
When away from school and without the usual structure each day brings, it can be difficult to stay on track with revision. If this is a struggle, it might be best to create your own at-home working timetable. It's best to start early and include plenty of time for short breaks.
5. Make it interesting
Injecting colour, creating visuals, summary notes and learning maps and leaving fun revision post-it notes in places around the house can help when it comes to committing facts to memory.
6. Rewards!
When you're on target and hitting your milestones, be sure to treat yourself and let your mind switch off with some fun downtime.
7. Exercise
A great way to alleviate stress and reduce tiredness is to exercise. A 30-minute jog as a revision break can help you be more productive when you return by increasing your heart rate which will supply more oxygen to the brain.
8. Sleep!
As tempting as it might be to leave revision until the last-minute, sleep is really important when it comes to learning and exam performance. Try and get the recommended minimum of eight hours sleep each night to stay at your peak. To find out more about planners and educational materials for your school, contact us today.